Entrepreneurship development is a program, method or process that aims to identify, nurture, support and grow the talents in bigger level so that it brings new business leaders in the market to reduce employment, health, educational, business,environmental problems. The goal is to improve the living, the economic, social standard thinking, and actions of people.

Key Deliverables:
- Identify entrepreneurial ideas with entrepreneurial thinking (entrepreneurial mindset, motivation, & behavior), seeing (industry condition, industry status, macroeconomic change, & competition) & acting (value innovation & opportunity identification).
- Create innovative business models to effectively design value propositions, assemble and lead a well-comprised team, pursue big ideas that really matter to customers, and craft a financial model that minimizes risks and maximizing your success.
- Explore the marketing of innovations by learning tactics to gather marketing research and customer intelligence, understanding the need for adopting a customer-orientation, and applying marketing strategies to dynamic environments.
- Build financing strategies with an understanding of short-term finance alternatives, capital structures, cost of capital, sources of entrepreneurial capital including angel investors and venture capitalists, and alternative sources of capital.